23% Cr, 13% Ni type stainless steel wire with a high ferrite content.
Service temperature: - 120 to 400?°C
Price indicated per Kilo.
Delivery France and Europe in 24/48 hours
General-purpose rutile electrode designed for welding in all positions, including vertical down. It is characterized by easy striking and restriking, suitable for use with low open-circuit voltage generators. Offers smooth melting and easily detachable slag for efficient and clean welding.
THE CBM 80 series is the most popular product family mode by DONG IL Ceramics.
CBM 80 series is an assembly of aluminium adhesive tape, specially designed ofr heat resistance, ceramic blocks, which can resist strong heat shock.
THE CBM 80 series is the most popular product family mode by DONG IL Ceramics.
CBM 80 series is an assembly of aluminium adhesive tape, specially designed ofr heat resistance, ceramic blocks, which can resist strong heat shock.
Tig wire for welding creep resistant steels at 2.5% Cr and 0.5% Mo - Standard ER 90S-B3