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SKU: TGX316LD2.2
Brand: WELD'X

KOBELCO - TGX flux cored TIGROD for root pass welding with no need for back purging gas.

TGX 316 complies with R316LT1-5.  Main chemistry specifications : 19Cr-12Ni-2.3Mo

Packaging : 5 Kgs/Pack

Price per kilo. Minimum order is a pack of 5 Kg.

Order now and get your product within 2 - 3 days in the EU.

SKU: TGX308L2.2
Brand: WELD'X

TIG TGX 308L cored wire allowing penetration passes on stainless steel tubes or sheets without protection on the back of the bead, which avoids the need to purge - Standard R 308LT1-5

For welding 308L and 304L stainless steel. Single diameter 2.2 mm. Protection against oxidation of the back of the bead is ensured by the slag generated by the wire.

Packaging: 5 kg case.

Also available in 316L D. 2.2

SKU: 318SID1.6
Brand: WELD'X

Solid bare TIG wire intended for welding austenitic stainless steels stabilized with titanium or nobium. - ER 318SI standard

Frequently used for service temperatures above 400°C.

En réapprovisionnement
Brand: WELD'X

TIG wire for welding inconel 625 - ER NiCrMo-3 standard

Used in coating carbon steels for corrosion resistant plating.

SKU: 308LD2.4
Brand: WELD'X

TIG welding wire for stainless steels of type 304, 304 L, standard E 308 L.

Price per kg. Sold in plastic case of 5 kg. Delivered with certificate of chemical and mechanical analysis.

BEST SELLER product always in stock in our warehouses. 

SKU: 70S6D2
Brand: WELD'X

TIG copper-coated steel wire for welding structural steels type A42 and similar grades - Standard ER 70S-6

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