Cored wire without gas Diam 1 mm - for welding carbon steels. Plastic spool without adapter Diam 200 mm.
Perfectly suited for outdoor welding work, maintenance, repair.
Selling price per KG. Packaging in 5 KG reel.
SC-70NS (Super Cored) slag-free cored wire with metal powder used for all-position welding of non-alloy steels - Standard E70C-6M .
It combines the efficiency of solid wire with a high deposition rate.
Price per kilo, 15 Kg spools.
23% Cr, 13% Ni type stainless steel wire with a high ferrite content.
Service temperature: - 120 to 400?°C
Price indicated per Kilo.
Delivery France and Europe in 24/48 hours
Price per KG. Packaged in a 15 KG spool.