
MIG/MAG wire spools

Successful welding relies on the skill of the welder, use of the right equipment and good compatibility between the welding wire and the base metal. Our selection of wires for semi-automatic welding covers the main materials standards. Carbon steels, stainless steels and aluminium can all be welded using solid or flux cored wires. Our advisors are there to help you.

SKU: DW316LPD1.2
Brand: WELD'X

Price indicated per Kilo.

SKU: DW316LD300D0.9
Brand: WELD'X

Price indicated per Kilo.

SKU: MIG5356D300D0.8
Brand: WELD'X

Solid MIG wire designed for welding Aluminum alloy - Standard ER 5356. Available in D300 (6 Kg) and D200 (2 Kg)

Excellent resistance to marine corrosion and very good mechanical characteristics.

Price indicated per Kilo.

SKU: MIG5356D200D0.8
Brand: WELD'X

Price and quantity indicated per Kilo.

Solid MIG wire designed for welding Aluminum alloy - Standard ER 5356. Available in D300 (6 Kg) and D200 (2 Kg) spools.

Excellent resistance to marine corrosion and very good mechanical characteristics.

Brand: WELD'X

Flux-cored wire without gas shielding for all-position welding of general purpose structural steels and galvanized steels - Standard E71T-11, 2 x 300.

Delivery France and Europe only 24h / 48h.

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